
Since the 1960’s, St Ives’ skaters have pioneered their sport making the most of the town's unforgiving streets and carparks. In 2004 the town got its first purpose built skatepark. Overtime this became worn out, and so a group of locals started fundraising for a new park.
Supported by the Town Council the group reached their target in 2020. Maverick Skateparks produced the designs and we shaped the project towards planning consent. Construction started in winter 2021, and with the crew working in wind, rain and snow, they completed by spring.

From an idea in the minds of a few community members, to a world class skatepark - pictured is Ian, one of the designer/makers, alongside a local skater, about to use the park for the first time at its official opening in May 2021.

Throughout the 2021 summer we continued work and delivered public realm installations, floodlights, and Ben Barrell sculptural Pebble Seats. Still to come, a community cafe is currently in the planning stages.